Wednesday, November 25, 2015


We're so excited we're heading to visit family soon for the Holiday.  Normally we don't have candy around the house, but I always buy some fruit juice sweetened lollipops for my daughter for a plane ride!


Monday, November 23, 2015

Holiday Cheer: Disco Christmas!

I've been wanted to incorporate this turquoise color into a holiday painting.  I found these christmas ornaments that reminded me a little of mirror balls.  As soon as I started painting I started wondering if disco Christmas music was ever a thing.  I'm sure people were in to it.  I'll have to look it up later today!


Friday, November 20, 2015

Holiday Cheer: Printed Ribbons

I was looking through some of our wrapping paper yesterday and realized we have a lot of leftover christmas paper.  Some years we pick a theme and stick with it for all our presents.  This year however, may be the year of leftover!


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Holiday Cheer: Boxes and Bows

These boxes once contained art supplies that my husband and I recently ordered.  I keep thinking I'll recycle them but then I find a new use for them around the house.  My daughter has kept herself entertained for hours with our left over art boxes.  Maybe I'll just keep them and wrap presents in them.


Holiday Cheer: X-Mas MISC.

It seems like random Christmas items are starting to pop up here and there around the Riley household.  I'm excited to put up the tree, but I think I'll wait until at least Thanksgiving!


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Holiday Cheer: Christmas 'Round the Corner

Another painting for the Holiday Cheer series I'm doing.  I'm not sure I've ever been so filled with  the Holiday Spirit this early in the year before.  I figure as long as I don't die out early, it's so fun to be excited for Christmas!


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Holiday Cheer: Peppermint Cappuccino

Today I was working on this little painting, listening to Christmas music and I told my husband that it reminded me of peppermint cappuccino and that I really wanted one.  So he made me a peppermint decaf with cinnamon that was so delicious!  Thanks Dave!


Thursday, November 5, 2015

Crossed Daisies

I decided to incorporate some grey paper into my painting this morning.  Recently I have been trying to avoid grey paintings so I haven't used much grey subject matter.  I was amazed at how many colors were in the grey paper's shadows!


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Daisies, Last Days

I think I enjoyed painting the slightly wilted daisies even better when they were young and healthy.  There was more variety and complexity to the petals.  Maybe daisies get better with age, just like we do.


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Daisies and Colored Glass

Still playing with this Daisy series.  I'll see if I can get one or two more painted before they are totally wilted.  I found some great colored glass vases at the Dollar Tree that I'm excited to paint.
